• 香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家
• 香港心理學會副院士
• 香港心理學會臨床心理學組會員
• 香港臨床心理學家協會前榮譽秘書 (2012-2017)
• 香港護士管理局註冊護士
• 英國牛津大學及香港中文大學合辦災難管理及研究證書
• 香港大學社會科學(臨床心理學)碩士
• 香港中文大學心理學學士後文憑
• 香港中文大學輔導學文憑
• 香港中文大學護理學榮譽學士
註冊臨床心理學家 趙思雅小姐 畢業於香港大學臨床心理學碩士,獲香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家、香港心理學會副院士、香港心理學會臨床心理學組會員及香港臨床心理學家協會榮譽秘書 (2012-2017)、香港護士管理局註冊護士等專業資格。現任 思健心理諮詢中心總監,並擔任多間香港私家醫院及診所客席註冊臨床心理學家,包括明德國際醫院及醫療中心、聖保祿醫院、聖德肋撒醫院、港安醫院及寶血醫院,並曾於香港大學醫學院、英國赫爾大學、香港大學專業進修學院、香港浸會大學持續教育學院、香港教育大學及東華學院擔任客席講師。 趙思雅小姐曾服務於醫院管理局、香港特別行政區政府消防處、香港中文大學、 家庭服務及兒童成長中心,具20年前線臨床經驗。
思健心理諮詢中心服務對象為公眾人士、機構員工及專業人士,提供心理評估、心理治療、輔導及培訓等工作。 趙思雅小姐 尤精於兒童心理學、家庭治療、健康心理學、腦神經心理學、 認知行為治療、情緒及壓力管理、災難及危機處理、機構培訓及諮詢等專業領域。
趙小姐於業界相當活躍,她於2012至2017 年擔任香港臨床心理學家協會榮譽秘書, 並為香港心理學會註冊臨床心理學家及副院士,她積極於社區參與心理健康推廣及救援工作, 她曾多次參與本地及海外災難管理及救援工作,為受災者提供心理支援及培訓。
趙小姐亦經常被邀為本地及海外機構及組織舉辦心理健康講座及培訓,曾主講的培訓和公眾演講接近300場次,曾合作的學院及機構包括香港大學、香港中文大學、香港浸會大學、香港教育大學、香港東華學院、香港警務處、香港消防處、香港勞工處、香港消費者委員會、香港醫學博物館、香港醫療輔助隊、聖約翰救傷隊、香港醫學組織聯會、香港家庭醫學學院、中華民國乳癌教育暨防治醫學會、華員會、扶輪社、獅子會、國際青年商會香港總會、香港醫護學會、香港中華基督教青年會、香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心、再生會、長者安居協會、願望成真基金、美贊臣營養品公司、惠氏營養品公司、荷蘭美素佳兒、雪印香港、美國雅培、輝瑞香港、強生(香港)有限公司、楊森製藥、阿斯利康(香港)、中國平安保險集團、友邦保險、AXA安盛、英國保誠集團、美心集團、香港安利、JobsDB、荷花集團、黃金時代展覽暨高峰會、經濟通ET Net財經生活網等,以及多間中小學及幼稚園,培訓經驗相當豐富。
趙小姐亦積極推廣心理健康,經常獲邀於電視、電台、報章及雜誌講解心理健康資訊, 並於報章及網上撰寫心理健康專欄,甚具知名度。
Miss Zanonia, CHIU Sze-nga
Director, Wellness Psychological Consultancy Services Limited
Registered Clinical Psychologist (HKPS)
Professional Qualifications
• Registered Clinical Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society
• Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Psychological Society
• Full Member, Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society
• Honorary Secretary , Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association (2012-2017)
• Registered Nurse (General), Nursing Council of Hong Kong
Professional Training
• Croucher Summer Course: Research Methodology for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response, Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and Chinese University of Hong Kong for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response CCOUC
• Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology, the University of Hong Kong
• Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Diploma in General Counselling, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Bachelor of Nursing (Honours), the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Miss Zanonia CHIU was graduated from the Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology from the University of Hong Kong, previously worked in the Hospital Authority, the Fire Services Department, HKSAR, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and family service and children development center. She is presently the Director of the Wellness Psychological Consultancy Services Limited. She is also a Visiting Clinical Psychologist in a few private hospitals and clinics, including the Matilda International Hospital and Medical Centre, St. Paul’s Hospital, St. Teresa’s Hospital, Adventist Hospital and Precious Blood Hospital. She was also a Guest Lecturer in various tertiary academic institutes including the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong SPACE, School of Continuing Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Education University of Hong Kong, Tung Wah College, the University of Hull, and the University of South Australia.
Miss CHIU has more than 15-year solid experiences in clinical field, providing psychological assessment, psychotherapy, counselling and training for public, corporate and professionals. Her expertise areas are child psychology, family therapy, health psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive-behavioural therapy, mood and
stress management, disaster and crisis management, and corporate training.
Miss CHIU is also active in the clinical psychology field. Having been the Honorary Secretary of the Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association from 2012 to 2017 and being a Registered Clinical Psychologist of the Hong Kong Psychological Society,
she is enthusiastic in promoting psychological wellness in the community. She had also participated in overseas and local disaster management to provide psychological interventions and trainings to those being affected by disasters.
Miss CHIU has extensive experience in corporate training. She has been invited to be a guest speaker and trainer by many corporate and associations, and conducted more than 300 training sessions and public talks on psychological well-being topics. She had collaborated with many institutes and corporate, including the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Baptist University of Hong Kong, the Education University of Hong Kong, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong Police Force, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Labour Department, Consumer Council (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Hong Kong Auxillary Medical Service, St. John Association and Bridgade, Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Breast Cancer Education and Prevention Association of ROC (Taiwan), Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants' Association, Hong Kong Health Care Federation, Rotary, Lions Club, Junior Chambers International Hong Kong, the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre, the Regeneration Society, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Make A Wish (HK), MeadJohnson Nutrition, Wyeth Nutrition, Friso Hong Kong, Snow Brand Hong Kong, Abott, Pfizer (HK), Johnson & Johnson (HK), Janssen Pharmaceutica, AstraZeneca (HK), Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, AIA Group, AXA Hong Kong, Prudential Hong Kong, Hong Kong Maxim's Group, Amway Hong Kong, JobsDB, Eugene Group, Golden Age Expo Summit, ET Net, etc. and numerours secondary and primary schools.
Moreover, Miss CHIU has extensive experience in media exposure on psychology-related topics. She is popular on mass media including TV, radio channels, newspapers and magazine. She is also a columnist of newspapers and online blogs, sharing psychological well-being topics.