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Introduction to Clinical Psychological Services
Clinical psychology is an evidence-based profession that integrates theory, scientific researches, and clinical experience to understand a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and provides tailored-made psychotherapy for the individual.
Clinical psychologist would base on psychological theories to understand the clients' presenting problems, personal background, and the interrelations between their emotions, thoughts and behaviors, then work together with the clients on the treatment goals with the clients. By the means of different psychological treatment approaches, clinical psychologist would guide the clients to regulate their emotions and manage their mental distress, and empower their self-help skills to promote their personal growth.
Our Centre provides client-centered professional clinical psychological services, aiming at promoting psychological wellness. Our clinical psychological services have a wide range of forms, including individual, family or group consultations, as well as large-scale training and psychological education. The main scope of services are as follows:

Professional Services

兒童心理評估及家長輔導 Child Psychological Assessment and Parenting Training.jpg

I. Psychological    


Case Consultation_edited.jpg

IV. Case Consultation

思健心理諮詢中心 註冊臨床心理學家 趙思雅小姐 接受TVB 無線電視翡翠台《東張西望》訪問 -  講解「社交焦障和思覺失調等社交障礙問題」 (24.5_edited.jpg

II. Counselling &


思健心理諮詢中心 註冊臨床心理學家趙思雅為紀律部隊及機構提供危機壓力處理及心理急救培訓及輔導.jpg
V. Crisis Management 
Strategic Planning
本中心註冊臨床心理學家趙思雅小姐獲邀為一教會主講 「 在社會動蕩中管理急性壓力症狀」(6.9.2019)
III. Psychoeducation &
註冊臨床心理學家 趙思雅小姐 為機構提供員工培訓
VI.Corporate Training
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